FACEWORK UKRAINE is a career training programme run by the Facework Group, a non-profit organisation based in the UK.
This employability program was co-designed with and by Ukrainians to help them integrate into the British job market by boosting their confidence, developing valuable soft skills, and improving their English language abilities.
We are deeply grateful to the 'Lewisham Works' Lewisham Council and National Lottery for their funding, which allows us to offer this program and demonstrate the effectiveness and impact of this model.
FACEWORK UKRAINE – це тренінг, який проводить некомерційна організація Facework Group.
Ця програма про працевлаштування у Британії була створена спільно з українцями, щоб допомогти їм інтегруватися у британський ринок праці, підвищуючи їхній рівень впевненості у собі, розвиваючи цінні особистісні навички та покращуючи знання мови.
Ми щиро вдячні Lewisham Works and The National Lottery Community за фінансову підтримку цього проєкту, що дозволяє нам проводити цей тренінг та демонструвати ефективність і вплив цієї моделі.
Follow @facework_ukraine instagram here
What?Employability training programme created by and for Ukrainians in the UK to support them to face work.
When?Training takes place Every Thursday, from February 1st to March 28th. ⏰ 7 pm - 9 pm You can join us earlier on Thursday for: 💎 12 pm - 4 pm Co-working space If you need a stable Internet connection and flexible workspaces you can join us for free. Boost your productivity with Hatcham House. 💎 4 pm - 5.30 pm Psychological support group With professional support you can work on internal barriers and negative beliefs that may hinder your job search and employment prospects. 💎 6 pm - 7 pm The English Speaking Club We welcome you to meet with native speakers for friendly conversations. Together, we'll sip, savor, and speak to improve language skills, get to know British culture of small talk and build strong relationships. ❤️🔥 7 pm - 9 pm TRAINING SESSION We help you learn all the important skills you need to find a job: job search strategies, CV building, interview preparation, meeting people who can help you get a job, and even starting your own business. 💎 9 pm - 10 pm Networking We strongly believe that learning doesn't have to be boring, so we make sure to make it fun. Facework Ukraine is a tiny but true Ukrainian community where you can connect with people who understand the challenges and triumphs you've experienced and who are ready to listen and empathize with you.
Where?Hatcham House 367 Queens Road London SE14 5HD
What language?The training will be in English, but translation into Ukrainian will be provided if needed.
How much does it cost?It is a free training program for refugees that is run by and for Ukrainians.
What about certificates?If trainees attend more than 70% of sessions trainees they will receive certificates of completion course at the end of the training.
Can I join the training if I missed the first sessions?You are very welcome. Please register and see you soon!
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Describe your image
A generous anonymous donor has promised to match funds
up to £5,000.
Can you help us raise the other £5,000 so we can
invest £10,000 into this pilot programme ?
Each of these 25 employment intelligences have worksheets which are currently being adapted and translated for Ukraine.