Soft Skills Workbook
Facework's Soft Skills Workbook is the culmination of 6 years of work engaging directly with young people in our community workspaces in London, schools across the UK (including alternative provision) as well as youth in other parts of the world, including India and Ukraine.
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We offer this 58 page colour booklet as a digital pdf downloadable file and hard copies.
Teachers' guide - FREE
A full teacher's resources are available HERE.
Multiple use version at £35.00
If you want to make multiple copies or photocopy sheets for use in an educational establishment we kindly ask you to respect our 'Fair Use Agreement' and purchase this version.
Hard copy of the publication £35.00. +£2.40 P&P
Purchasing a copy of the printed document includes persmission to photocopy pages for use in schools. Place your order to and we will dispatch within 5 working days.

What educators are saying
CEO Big Education
“This is a brilliant and powerful tool for young people and those around them to use. It gets to the very heart of some of the more expansive skills that we know young people need and breaks those down in a manageable usable and accessible way. What I particularly like, is the focus on empowering young people to reflect on their learning themselves, and be part of their own learning journey. Debates about what young people need in the system rage on. It is a complex and multidimensional topic. What Stephen and the team have done here is cut through that by making a practical accessible and impactful tool that can get into action right now”.
“This new publication on soft skills is a terrific resource co-developed with young people, for young people. It is content-rich, highly practical, and innovative. The focus on starting with an individual's preferred learning style is spot on and the activities that follow systematically build out from this. I love the emphasis on skills being viewed as 'superpowers' and encouraging young people to think about powerful questioning. There's something for everyone in this valuable resource. Stephen and the Facework team go from strength to strength, thank you for all your hard work!"
Hon Associate Professor, University of Warwick,
Institute for Employment Research (IER)
“Having been involved in behaviour management and school leadership for over 40 years, in both mainstream and Alternative Provision, I have always championed this topic of life skills and preparing young people for the world of work. However, more than ever our education system and exam regime is in danger of prioritising IQ at the expense of EQ, with the result that many students are ill-prepared for today’s uncertain world when they step outside of the school gate.
But that’s where this Facework resource could help fill some of the gaps. It’s ideal for staff to use in discussions with students and introduces the importance of these skills, not in some theoretical way, but through practical exercises which help students see what they already have and how they can grow these skills required for the world of work and life in general.
It’s great for tutor time, PSHE, mentoring etc and will be particularly useful in supporting staff who work directly with those young people who find mainstream school a challenge. I would also recommend it to youth workers, career practitioners, employers and even parents who want to inspire young people to grow and flourish. The free video/material downloads make this a very cost-effective resource and makes it stand out from the rest.“
John Bradshaw OBE
Mainstream and Alternative Provision Principal (Retired)

Ukraine Support.
For every book sold Facework will invest £2.00 (single use) and
£5.00 (for multiple use) towards the Facework Ukraine programme we are developing in the UK and with schools and teachers in Lviv Ukraine.
A full Ukraine version of this booklet will be available soon.

See more about the programme HERE
Sample Pages

Agenda for Change
by Lauren Roberts-Turner
& Stephen Carrick-Davies
CLICK HERE to download a free copy of this publication