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The Facework Challenges equip young people with the soft-skills needed in the changing world of work.  Grouped under the 5 STEPS families, the 25 topics will help you master valuable workplace skills in a way that is challenging, fun and relevant. 

We have made these all available for free as downloads.


Special thanks to the young people; Marcus, Natasha, Helena, Caitlin, Will and Shanna, as well as the 200 students in India who contributed to the writing, testing and updating these resources.


Check out the teachers resources (posters, videos and powerpoint presentations)

which bring this learning to life.   

These posters have been designed by 19 year old Shanna. Check out her portfolio on her Instagram account @KSHANART

Challege Yourself3.gif
Compostite FW poster.png
If it doesn't challenge you, it won't change you.png
Ruth and Sanjuna's IGTV on Interview techniques.png
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