We worked with Hyde Foundation over a 4 month period September-December 2020 to provide free membership spaces to Hyde residents in the Lewisham borough. We realise that not everyone has the luxury of a home office, for most, small, cramped accommodation and busy households is the norm.
We also know that to be able to afford membership to these kinds of work spaces can be a luxury, even where we have tried to make it as affordable and accessible as possible. Working with Hyde allowed us to support some of their residents with a free membership at Hatcham House for 4 months.
Hyde foundation also funded 'SEED', a project run at Hatcham House by three young HH members, supporting young adults who are facing unemployment or struggling to find work and make decisions about their future. Overall they did a series of seven online videos, reaching over 1000 viewers. Find out more about the project and watch the videos here: @seed.workshops