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RESET PROGRAMME / what’s included


The borough's candidate will be trained, accredited and equipped with the right skills; and have completed:

  • The co-design of a 10 week employability training programme, delivered to the partnering borough

  • Adaptation and translation of the curriculum into native language

  • Thorough understanding of tools, techniques and practice to manage and deliver workshops

  • Secured relationships with key organisations and agencies to assist and signpost

  • Active engagement with and secured commitments of interest from:

    • Programme contributors / panelists

    • Local volunteers 

    • Workshop facilitators 

    • Key partnerships with potential work placement organisations

  • Thorough understanding of all the key elements, including: 

    • Stakeholder and partner requirements

    • Refugee educational and work environments

    • Reporting, documenting, guidelines and policies

    • Governance, safety and confidentiality related issues

  • Promotional material to be designed 

  • Accreditation

RESET is a fee based programme and offers a safe, reliable proven route to deliver award winning employability training programmes.

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Our first RESET cohort from Afghanistan and Ukraine supported by Islington Council being trained by Facework

Refugees Equipped to Scale Employability Training 


Facework is thrilled to announce that it has won the GLA  No Wrong Door Innovation Challenge      for our RESET Refugee Train the Trainer programme. 

Building on Facework's experience of training  over 200 refugees in south London we will pilot a year's programme through which we work with Local Authorities across London . We train, accredit, equip refugees nominated from their  boroughs  on a paid placement to Facework. over a 12 week course we then support them to become employment coaches, navigators and community trainers. 


Upon completion the participants will deliver to their borough an employability training programme ready for implementation.  


Facework Group Social Enterprise CIC

(Community Interest Company)

Registered in the UK company number 15423259 

©2020-2024 Facework Group CIC

Facework Group Social Enterprise CIC

Hatcham House,

367 Queens Road London SE14 5HD

Telephone number 020 8050 3938

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