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FaceWork Event

FaceWork Events

Facework runs events at our Hatch Hub centres because we believe that good work is social! Whether it is running our monthly Facework Conversation events, curating our artist's programme or hosting cultural or training events, we know that young people can gain incredible skills in hosting and running events.   See below for some of the examples of how we run and curate events for our communities.  

Every week we host a local drama group which uses our Hatcham House hub for rehearsal.   

Drama has a huge role in building young people's confidence and 'presence' in presenting themselves and being good at communicating. 

"As experienced drama teachers we have been so struck by how the young people have responded to running the Lighthouse Youth Theatre sessions at Hatcham House. The way everything is laid out, the facilities and the details in the gorgeous décor create a wonderful ambiance and students tell us that they feel our rehearsals have a 'proper' feel to them. We are so grateful to Stephen and Laura for being so helpful and lucky to be using this space. We would absolutely recommend Hatcham House for your event!"

Liz and Jo from LIghthouse Youth Theatre 

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We believe that the way we think about and talk about employment and careers is outdated, misleading and unhelpful and not reflective of the realities of work in the 21st century. We need to have new conversations.

The Facework Conversation series brings local people together to discuss the role and place of work in our lives today in an honest and open way. We explore a range of themes through meaningful and intelligent dialogue. By having these conversations, we can all:

  • Face work with confidence and enthusiasm

  • Make better decisions what we want to do in our working life

  • Meet, connect with and learn from others in our community (we call this peer-career learning).

  • Recognise the barriers different people face and help make people’s entry to work fairer.

  • Explore how we work, where we work, what we do and what ‘career’ means – all of these things have changed dramatically over the last 10 years


Since 2016 Stephen has run training workshops with different partners including non-profit organisations,  schools, Alternative Education providers, parents groups and staff local authority and goverment organisations.

Topics covered have included
e-safety, fundraising, business planning and of course employabiliy training.

With Hatcham House we have provided a space for training and have hosted talks called 'The Hatch Hour' which have been live streamed on Instagram. 


We have also hosted other training providers and contributied to initiatives such as the Changemakers Social Enterpreneurs training sessions run at HH.


During Covid when across the world people were restricted from meeting, we housed  a unique youth-designed online training course at Hatcham house called SEED (Support, Empower, Educate and Develop).


Laura who now works for Facework ran this with two other young people and used Instagram IGTV to broadcast interviews with other young  people who had struggled with work opportunities, confidence or discrimination.

Building on this experience and using platforms such as MS TEAMS and ZOOM we continued to reach other students running our Facework Chapters and live stream events we were hosting here at Hatcham House including our training sessions.

What is exciting is that over the weeks and months after a stream we still get viewers watching the training.

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Facework Group Social Enterprise CIC

(Community Interest Company)

Registered in the UK company number 15423259 

©2020-2024 Facework Group CIC

Facework Group Social Enterprise CIC

Hatcham House,

367 Queens Road London SE14 5HD

Telephone number 020 8050 3938

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